74 Bedford Street
Lexington, MA 02420
United States
Phone: 781.862.2349
Email: Peter@OrionWealthAdvisors.com
Website: https://www.OrionWealthAdvisors.com
Training: Registered Life Planner® more info
Comprehensive Financial Life Planning, Retirement Planning and Retirement Income Planning for near-Retirees, Retirees, and Widows
About My Practice
When we started Orion Wealth Advisors in 2010 we named it after the constellation Orion the Hunter. As the constellation Orion served both as a creative inspiration and as a marker for ancient navigation, our financial life planning provides enduring inspiration and guidance to our clients.
About Peter Hoffman
I’m drawn to this work because I find meaning in helping others plan for and successfully lead the lives they want to live. This is why, as a CFP® professional and fiduciary, I pair life planning techniques with more traditional financial planning and investment management.
Ideal Clients
I do my best work with near-retirees, retirees and widows who see the value in having a long term relationship with a trusted advisor, who have saved well for a satisfying retirement, and have an interest in having their investments not only provide for them, but also have a positive impact on the environment and society.
My compensation is fee-based: Financial Planning is compensated by fixed fees, all investment management is based on a percentage of assets under management; I am also insurance licensed, and sales of insurance products are compensated by insurance company-paid commissions.
RLP ® Since
Industry Start Date