Sirius Wealth Management Strategies, LLC
1040 Noel Avenue
Suite 101
Menlo Park, CA 94025
United States
Phone: (650) 276-7967
Email: rich.chambers@gmail.com
Website: http://www.siriuswm.com/
Training: Registered Life Planner® more info
Rich has offered wealth management services to clients since 1999. With his guidance, you can find the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have planned prudently for your future and that your loved ones are protected. Whether you are just setting out on your financial journey or seeking to protect and enjoy the wealth you have accumulated, Rich helps you along the way with objective, fiduciary advice that puts your financial interests first.
I offer services in San Francisco, Menlo Park, and the Lake Tahoe areas.
Low Cost Investing:
I help you design an asset allocation that matches your financial goals, investment horizon, and volatility preference. Together we draft an Investment Policy Statement specifying the asset allocation details. Selected no-load mutual funds and sometimes individual stock managers implement the asset allocation we have chosen. We primarily use mutual funds from Dimensional Investment Advisors (DFA) for implementing the equities (stock) allocation. For clients with significant assets, we may include some individual stock managers for tax efficiency.
Financial Planning:
I offer full-service financial planning that may encompass:
• investments including socially responsible and sustainable investing
• social security planning:
• when should I start getting benefits?
• how can I maximize benefits?
• will social security be enough to live on?
• how much can I expect to receive?
• will Social Security be there for me?
• retirement planning
• income property (residential)
• living trusts & estate planning
• tax planning and insurance planning
• tax-free saving for college expenses
• home purchase & mortgage financing
• employee stock purchase plan & stock options
• life planning using the Kinder EVOKE™ method
About My Practice
I began managing client assets after becoming a registered investment adviser in 1999. Software engineering was my first career during which time I worked at IBM, Data General, VisiCorp, and 3Com.
My financial planning firm has one other partner, Matt Vorst, CFP®. As a group we are ‘Sirius Wealth Management Strategies, LLC’. I am a partner of this vibrant company which continues to grow in size and services.
For my clients, I offer investment planning and implementation and financial life planning.
About Richard Chambers
I am a Certified Financial Planner or CFP® and thus I follow the ethical standards set by the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards including fiduciary responsibility for my clients. I am always happy to share the performance records of the portfolios that I recommend. Also, I fully disclose the cost of all services that I provide.
I am a Registered Life Planner, RLP® and member of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning.
I have been published in Forbes, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Money magazine, and the San Francisco Chronicle to name a few.
Ideal Clients
Clients in the technology industry are my specialty. As a former technology professional, I understand your needs and your thinking and can explain things with the focus and level of detail that you want.
We work closely together to develop and execute a plan that moves you toward your goals with low stress along the way.
I focus on your overall financial picture, not just your investments. Particular emphasis is placed on the everyday things you can do to make money or reduce risk in your life.
Together we create a broadly diversified portfolio using primarily low-cost, passively managed investments. I rebalance your portfolio as dictated by your goals. Then I help you stick with your investments, the hardest part!
Research shows that most investors significantly underperform the market because they buy and sell at the wrong time. With 35 years of successful investing experience, I can serve as an emotional anchor for you – keeping the highs from being too high and the lows from being permanent. By being disciplined, my clients achieve their financial goals.
Registered Life Planner, RLP®, since 2007.
I am committed to providing timely, unbiased advice. Through the advantages of professional, Fee-Only fiduciary planning, I seek to empower my clients to make the best financial choices possible. As a staunch consumer advocate and client fiduciary, I continue to demonstrate my dedication to serving the best interests of my clients.
Fee-Only 100% of the time.
Percentage of assets under management or net worth based compensation.
Schwab is the custodian for our clients.
RLP ® Since
Industry Start Date