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Cornelis Leen, de, NLP, RLP®

Czaar Peterstraat 181
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 1018 PK
Phone: + 31 (0) 621234197
Mobile: 0621234197
Training: Active Registered Life Planner® more info

Specialist in mindset, awareness and helping people to het insights in money and meaning. Worked for over ten years with motivational speakers. Les Brown, T. Harv Eker and did help a lot of start-ups and scale up to create amazing business. Using software like XERO and other tools to perform better and get people more working as humans on the workfloor with passion and dedication.

Private coaching, and high end coaching for business and business leaders. Guest teacher for the Dutch LEF foundation and helping with the new school program using an app to keep students there eyes on the ball.

About My Practice
Entrepeneur for over 25 years and are also available for coaching in ASIA and ASIA Pacific. Helping business owners and managers to get more a team as a workforce instead of just people who are doing it for the money instead of passionate peopl.

About Cornelis Leen, de
Coaching and investor in start ups and for a long time financial planner, After a LIFE Channing event changed my focus and attention to the human part of financial LIFE planning done Wright. Since december 2007 RLP planner and since 2018 Neurolinquistic programmer on Master level. Also working with systemic systems and helping business owners to work more with there business instead of working in there business.

Ideal Clients
Private client service and employees of big compagnies. Certification fromNLP, RLP standards and in the Netherlands approved certification for the Law of Finanancial Services.

Different quality in coaching and teaching. Using the EVOKE proven coaching skills and system to turn around business and create a new amazing spirit into the business.

Upfront making appointments about the travel cost, presentation and introduction of doing a great job with EVOKE for business or EVOKE for privat clients.

Industry Start Date